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Interview with U.S. Army Veteran and Founder of Final Salute Inc., Jas Boothe

Watch this video of Jas Boothe’s incredible story from losing everything after Hurricane Katrina to being discharged after 13 years of service in the U.S. Army after a battle with cancer. You can learn more about her organization here and follow Final Salute, Inc on twitter: @FinalSaluteInc

Here is a Q&A with Jas Boothe on how Final Salute Inc. helps women Veterans.

Q.  Do you have psychological services available?

A.  We have a full-time case manager. We also have a  connection with veteran organizations. Some of our residents in the house are Veteran disability rated and are getting the support that way.

Q.  Is there anything that we can do on our platforms to help the problem before it gets to the stage where you are helping the woman.

A. People say, do you need more homes? No, we need less homeless veterans. Prevention is the key. I think it starts in the military.

“I don’t think it’s a military issue, I don’t think it’s a governmental issue, I think it’s an American issue.”

Q.  How did you get past your own struggle to help other people?

A.  You have to get your foundation set first. You have to be in a position where you can help others. If you can’t help yourself you’re truly not in a position to help others. Once I got in the position to help others I personally felt that I couldn’t live the life I wanted with so many women who serve not getting what they needed out of life.

Q.  What is the next vision that you have?

A.  My next step is to be out of business. I want to get to the root causes and try to cut if off before it gets too bad. I’ve helped over 300 but there are over 50,000 out there.  I don’t want any veterans male or female to have to be homeless on American soil.

Q. How are you balancing pursuing this passion and still maintaining your family life?

The work-life balance is a myth. It’s not really work-life balance -it’s focus.  Focus on what you're doing at the time and give it your full attention.

Q.  Have any women in your program gone on to work with you further?

A.  Most women who come through our programs want to give back. One way they gave back is through their testimonies. It let’s other women in that situation know they are not alone and there are people who care about them.

 Q. How will you use your $25,000 grant?

A.  The money will go toward the mortgage of the home to allow more women and children to come in. It will also go towards preventing homelessness i.e. help with utility bills.

Q.  How can our children get involved?

A. Read books, have a movie night, make lunches, etc.

Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.